
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kairos of Modern Environmentalism

 In this modern era (2010- present) people are exposed to world in much faster way through social media and internet. For instance, the tragic Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 , social media quickly called the attention to the negative environmental impacts of the pipeline, including the immense increase in carbon pollution.  People, right from common man to a scientist, all over the world aggregate via internet raising awareness about Global warming, green house gases and depletion of ozone layer.  In this era people are more concerned broadly about Global warming and climate change rather than specifically on air pollution. Considering the 2010, November poll 70 percent consider global warming to be extremely, 27 percent very, and 72 percent believe that it is mostly caused by humans. 

It is intuitive that creator of the poster was driven by kairos movements of the modern era where people are more concerned on climate change and global warming. In the picture above the melting of the ice represents Earth and the water depicts the raising of sea levels. 

Kairos of Environmemtalism during 1970's

 Kairos refers to a special rhetorical moment where the audience and time of event play a major role in the text or image. In 1960's the energy and sensibility fueled the civil rights movement, counter culture, and the New Left stimulated an environmental movement. Many were aroused by the publication in 1962 of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring , which postulated chemical pesticides particularly DDT, caused cancer, among other ills. Public concern continued to grow during 1970's as many became aware of other pollutants around them- automobile emission, industrial pollutants- that threatened their beauty and health of surrounding. As of in New York itself air pollution inversion took life of 405 people. During 1970's people are more concerned about air pollution due to heavy industrialization and auto-mobilization.  
 1960's Environmentalism Poster
 Considering the situation  during 1970's the creator of the poster was motivated to address air pollution. Poster depicts the deterioration of United States congress which as a whole symbolizes the consequences of air pollution. Posters like the above caught people's attention. The timing of the movement turned out to influence the strength of the cause immensely.